Friday 4 October 2013

Knowledge is Power


Knowledge is basically the accumulated body of facts, information and beliefs that are acquired through education and experience.  Knowledge is the divine inspiration given by God.  God created humans with equal brains, but it is the utilization of brain coupled with day to day knowledge, which makes all the difference.  The best example, we can compare it with the how our ancestors’ survived during pre-historic tales.  They were fully on the mercy of forces of nature.  They were hunters as well the hunted. Gradually, things began to change and they learnt to live in harmony with nature instead of fearing it.  They tamed many animals and learnt to defend themselves from the ferocious ones.  They built a bank of knowledge in their mind which gave him power, confidence and courage to make life worthy of living.  It is ability to accumulate knowledge by using faculties, which enabled man to see, perceive and understand nature.  Thus, knowledge made his life comfortable.
A Knowledgeable man has the ability to lead and mould the society in a positive direction. Knowledge means knowing the things in an appropriate and better way.  Knowledge is something that a thief cannot steal.  ‘The more you gave, the more you get’. A Knowledgeable teacher earns respect from students.  Knowledge is the foundation and source of good writing.  Today, the people who reach the zenith of fame are no exception.  It is only through their day to day knowledge acquired by dint of perseverance which makes them exceptional and only these persons get respect and enviable status in the society, which is nothing but ‘power’. It is truly said that ‘knowledge is power’.
For instance, Birbal was a person with great knowledge and intelligence.  Hence, he had acquired a supreme position in the court of Akbar.  Everybody admires knowledge and is desirous of acquiring it.  ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ hold true in this regard.
Knowledge can be acquired and enhanced through reading and by practice.  Reading is the key to gain more knowledge. Napoleon once remarked, “Show me a family of readers and I will show you the people who move the world”.  All learned, successful and powerful men have been great readers.  Change is the law of nature in this world, nothing is stable, so is the case with money.  Money is no man’s property.  It keeps changing hands.  But knowledge is still there to rescue a person.  That is why it is said: “Learn something, for when luck is suddenly gone, knowledge remains, never leaves men alone”.


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