Monday 4 November 2013

Why You Should Buy Life Insurance and from Whom

Why do we need Life insurance Policy? Why it is necessary to me?  The answers to these questions are similar to - Why do we all marry? Why we all need kids? Why we marry and have kids is an endless argument. But the requirement of life insurance is needed for all. The value of its sum assured is differs from man to man.  If you are the sole bread winner of your family, then insurance is the only hope which supports financially your family after your departure. A Life Insurance Plan is very much essential if you bother who will take care of my family if something happens wrong to you tomorrow. How they will survive without you?
7 Reasons Why You Should Buy Life Insurance Policy:
1.         An Alternate to your income:  It can be your substitute income wise to your dependents if you are prolonged ill or died prematurely.
2.         A Good instrument for kids education: Life insurance premium paid by you will take care lifelong for your kid’s education.  It will allow them to live their life.
3.         May be a good investment instrument: The various plans available with almost all life insurance companies suit every individual according to their need. For e.g. ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Policies) / Endowment Plans etc.
4.         A substitute to Partner’s Income: It helps you to support financial even after demise of your spouse or business partner.
5.         A tax saving instrument: Under section 80 of income tax, a plan wise tax rebate is available for policy holders.
6.         To Buy at early age is better: As we understand that it is need of every individual.  So if it is taken at early age the premium will be less as compared.  
7.         A helpful investment at financial crisis:  The policy owned can be surrendered or partially withdrawn in case of financial hardship.
How to Buy Life insurance and from Whom
For many people, their first experience with life insurance is when a friend or relative gets an insurance license he tries to sell its product to his near and dears first. In my case, a college friend, recently hired by a major insurance company, contacted me and sold me a policy. Even truly speaking I was not in mood to purchase it. But is life insurance something that you truly need, or is it merely an inconvenience shoved under your nose by a salesperson? As a true advice I recommend that you should but it from an authentic person after comparing the similar plans of another company. While it may seem like the latter is true, there are actually many reasons as enumerated above, why you should purchase life insurance. But before buying it we must adhere the following points:
1          Think through why you are buying insurance and what core requirements and expectations
2          Seek and receive advice and options patiently. Be open-minded but cautious about the advice and information you gather Ask lots of questions about the policy options to see what fits your needs Find out policy details like: Whether it is a Single Premium or Regular Premium policy Which is the best premium payment frequency that suits you eg: Annual, quarterly etc. Whether there is an ECS (Electronic Clearing Service) payment option to make your premium payment safe and easy
3          Fill the proposal form very carefully and personally. Fill it completely and truthfully, Remember you are responsible for its contents Make sure that the information you give cannot be disputed during a claim Ensure you fill Nomination details If the form is in one language and you are answering the questions in a different language Ensure the questions are explained correctly to you and That you have understood them completely Remember you have to give a declaration to this effect in the proposal form
Keep a copy of the completed proposal form you sign and any declarations and terms agreed upon mutually for your records.
If you are buying Unit Linked Insurance Policies (ULIPs) ask specific questions about:
(i)            Various charges.
(ii)          Fund options.
(iii)         Switching of funds.
(iv)         Benefits if you.
Discontinue the policy
Surrender the policy
Make a partial withdrawal of funds


Friday 1 November 2013

What is Fitness

Fitness is a state of well being encompassing physical, mental, and morale aspects. Today with improvement in quality of basic life style and greater life span, all Indians are more conscious of overall fitness.  Fitness is very personal and reflects ones entire lifestyle, as to what one does for living, what one eats, how one manages his stress, a multiple of physical factors and of course how one exercises. Despite the increased fitness consciousness in India, most people do not understand what physical fitness really is or how to achieve it.  The situation is further aggravated, as due to the fact that what may be fitness for one person may be entirely different for another person.  An office worker has different fitness requirements than an industrial worker, a pro footballer has different fitness profile than his coach, a so it goes.  Fitness in fact is a concept is a way of life and is approached differently by different people.
Physical fitness may be broken into separate components.  Traditionally identified aspects of physical fitness are:
1.       Freedom from disease in the medical sense.
2.       Freedom from disease being at ease physically, disease may result form injury or other physical or psychological stress.
3.       Strength the ability to exert muscular force.
4.       Power the ability to exert force over a given distance in a given amount time.
5.       Agility the ability to perform a rapid series of explosive movements.
6.       Flexibility the ability to flex and extend the joints through their full intended range of motion.
7.       Cardiovascular endurance the ability of the heart and circulatory system to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the entire body effectively.
8.       Local muscular endurance the ability of any given muscle to perform sustained work.
9.       Co-ordination the ability to integrate factors listed above in such a way that skills can be really acquired and body movement is efficient and precise.
Why be Fit

By far, the most often heard reason for seeking physical fitness is to improve the quality of life.  The concept of  basic quality of  life is dependent on individual requirement and therefore degree of fitness aimed at differs person to person.  This reason is as broad in scope as physical fitness is.  The benefit of physical fitness is nevertheless the boundless offerings, such as:
1.     Fun
2.     Relaxation
3.     Rehabilitation from illness or injury.
4.     Sports conditioning.
5.     Enhancement of your self image.
6.     Injury prevention.
7.     Preparation for skill acquisition.
8.     Social contacts.
9.     Stress management.
10.                        Vigour.
11.                        General fitness for one’s job or lifestyle.
12.                        Fat reduction.
13.                        Psychotherapy.
14.                        Longer life.

One has to exercise to tolerate the stress in life without suffering